Saturday, April 30, 2011

Get past it...

    If you smoke cigarettes, you're going to get cancer.  If you engage in unprotected sex, you could get pregnant or contract some horrible STD.  If you drink too much on the reg you're liver is going to become riddled with scar tissue and eventually fail. Fine.
    Know what else?  If you cook over charcoal, you could get cancer.  If you spend too much time in the sun you could get cancer.  If you get a tattoo you could gets aids or hepatitis.   If you pick your scabs you could get MRSA.  If you lay in the sand without a beach towel under you you could get ringworm.  If you travel outside the US you might get kidnapped and sold as a sex slave.  If eat sushi you could get food poisoning.  If you share a drink with someone you could get herpes.  If you yadda, yadda, yadda you could get spider veins, splinters, whiplash, blindness, tinnitus, lockjaw, rabies, spam.  The list goes on and it's exhausting.
    The solution?  The only one I've found that works anyway, just get past it.  Just handle it.  Do the minimum: be monogamous or use a condom, stop drinking once you feel fuzzy, don't smoke cigarettes if you can help it, wear sunscreen, and don't tell the attractive gentleman at the bar in Paris where you're staying.  Fuck the rest of it.  We're all going to die of something anyway, it'll probably be horrible, so just deal with it when you get there.

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