Friday, May 13, 2011


    I got laid off yesterday.  In parting, my former employer gave me two weeks severance, a quick apology, and the promise of a sterling recommendation.  The best thing about being laid off, is nothing.  Like grief, coming to terms with unemployment has it's stages.  Shock, anger, sadness, bad TV, panic, more sadness, drunkenness, laziness, the list goes on.  The problem is, it seems you don't experience each stage just once. I've cried about it at least three times, I've panicked even more than that, but it's the bad TV thats bothering my currently.  I saw at least three previews for movies about getting married and they're all coming out in the next few weeks.  What the hell is that?  Sure, for the people getting married this spring or summer, it's very cutesy; but what about the rest of us?  What about the people way too unattractive to embrace the idea of marriage?  What about the hopelessly unemployed (c'est moi)?  The crazy cat ladies?  The elderly?  Homosexual individuals (in most states)?  You couldn't throw us a zombie flick, maybe a heist, or some form of espionage since we're clearly not getting married and thus cannot identify?  I think the titles of the upcoming "films" are something like, " Bridesmaids", "Something Borrowed", and I can't remember the other one but it was pretty lame too.
      Day two of being laid off, I had to go shopping for an interview outfit.  Since, I wore scrubs to my last job, I really don't have any formal work clothing.  After the second hour of shopping, I began to envy the people who become suicidal when they're laid off.  I've applied to 16 jobs so far and am either under or overqualified for all but one.  That one is perfect and I'm willing to bet it'll be the one I never hear back from.  Just kidding, I don't plan on hearing back from at least half of them.  Ouch.

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